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Why Does My Hair Get So Greasy? How to Combat Hair Grease

Everything from our diet to our stress levels to the weather can have an impact on our hair—and oftentimes these factors can lead to greasy or oily hair.

Maybe you've been fighting with greasy hair for a long time, or maybe you just experienced a sudden shift with your scalp. Either way, it's nothing to be ashamed of! There are many great fixes.

Here are some causes for greasy hair and what you can do to combat hair grease:

What Causes Greasy Hair?

Before we can combat the grease, it's important to understand what might be causing it in the first place.

Hair grease is caused by a build-up of sebum. Sebum is a natural oil that our bodies produce to keep our skin and hair healthy. But sometimes, if too much sebum is produced, it can cause our hair to look flat and stringy.

Here are some of the most common culprits of sebum overproduction:

Hormones: Many conditions can affect our hormone levels, including stress, pregnancy, and menopause. When our hormones are out of balance, it can cause your sebaceous glands to produce too much oil, leading to greasy hair.

Diet: Eating a lot of greasy or fried foods can make hair greasier. Refined carbohydrates and saturated fats can increase your skin’s oil production, which leads to too much sebum on the scalp. On the other hand, not eating enough can also cause your scalp to produce more oil to make up for the lack in your diet.

Product Build-Up: Using too many styling products or not washing your hair often enough can cause a build-up of oil and product on the scalp. This can make our hair look greasy and feel heavy.

Naturally Dry Scalp: Some people have a naturally dry scalp, which can cause the sebaceous glands to produce more oil in an attempt to moisturize the scalp.

How to Stop Greasy Hair

Now that we know what might be causing our greasy hair, let's talk about how to fix it.

1. Use clarifying shampoo: Using a clarifying shampoo can help remove build-up from the scalp and reduce excess oil production. Look for a clarifying shampoo that contains ingredients like tea tree oil or menthol, which can help to soothe the scalp and reduce irritation. A professional stylist can recommend a great clarifying shampoo for you.

2. Reduce stress: Stress can cause a number of problems, including greasy hair. When we're stressed, our bodies produce more of the hormone cortisol, which can increase sebum production. Try to find ways to relax and de-stress, whether that's through yoga, meditation, or spending time with friends and family.

3. Brush your hair: Brushing our hair can actually help to distribute the natural oils from our scalp evenly throughout our strands. This can help to keep our hair healthy and prevent it from looking greasy. Just be sure to use a soft-bristled brush so you don't damage your hair.

4. Change your diet: Eating a healthy diet can help to regulate our hormone levels and reduce sebum production. Include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein in your diet. Avoid greasy, fried, or processed foods as much as possible.

5. Take vitamins: Certain vitamins and minerals are essential for healthy hair, including zinc, iron, and vitamin B. You can get these vitamins and minerals through foods like dark leafy greens, lean meat, and nuts. You can also take a daily multivitamin to ensure you're getting enough of these nutrients.

When your scalp is feeling a little greasier than normal, think about what’s going on in your life and how it may be affecting your hair. Our bodies can communicate things with us that we may have never thought of, but if we listen and do a little research, we can usually find a way to solve the problem.

Need an Expert Opinion? Come Visit Us at Cualtzin Salon!

If you're having trouble combating hair grease, our team of experts at Cualtzin Salon can help. We offer a variety of services to help you achieve the healthy, beautiful hair you deserve. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

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